Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Concrete Evidence"

This post pertains to the drug dealer from the last post.

My email to the VP:

Dear -----,

Last Friday we talked about a certain student's involvement in drug trafficking, and how the police were after his supplier. From the details you gave me, this student is small time in the drug dealing world and his "upline" would be a better catch. Again, I understand that the police are involved here and are being given the authority to call the shots.

But -----, what is our responsibility to the patrons of this school? We have the obligation to provide a safe environment for our students, and it seems to me that would include eliminating drug dealers from the campus when they are identified. What if it gets out that this student was allowed to walk the campus after he had been identified as a known drug dealer? What would the liability of the school and the district be? Would the school and the district be able to use the defense that the police wanted the drug dealer left on campus unfettered?

This whole thing stinks pretty bad, -----. And I'm no genius, but I guarantee you, everyday he's on this campus, there's another recruit to take his place when he gets taken down. The longer we wait to make an example of him the worse the problem gets. And this doesn't even touch on the fact that we are exposing our students to harmful, illegal drugs. What is our moral imperative there?

And his response:

Dear -----,

There is no concrete evidence that points in his direction of supplying drugs other than rumors of usage at Friday night dances at [the skate rink]. We do not have any authority over what our students do on their free time away from school. The police are conducting their investigation. However, as soon as there is a whiff of wrong-doing at school we will do everything we can, but until then I will not take action based on second and third-hand rumors of events that happen over the weekend. Thanks for understanding.

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