Wednesday, February 27, 2008

News You Wouldn't Believe

Well, you thought the last post from Sunday the 24th was something to let your mouth hit the floor. Hmm. How about this: yesterday at a staff meeting the principal told us about some of the crazy things going on from our own students. "These aren't the frequent flyers," she said, alluding to the fact that these aren't the bad kids we would expect to be in trouble. No, these were kids she'd never known before the incident. Regular hit the books kids, no time for misbehavior.

Well it turns out that the girl who took the picture of herself while undressed and sent it to several boys, also had someone take a video of her and another girl taking a shower. THIS IS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL! But that's not all. She then sent the video out to boys and girls and had it posted on MySpace. When the principal told us this I turned to the lady next to me and said, "This is why we homeschool." She nodded.

In another precious moment from the staff meeting: a boy who recently started dating a girl at the school (I don't know exactly what that means today) took a picture of his nude lower half with his cell phone and sent it to the girl. She then sent it on to her friends. Again this is a junior high - 6th to 8th graders.

There are a lot of pretty good kids here. But again I ask, how long will it be before they are infected by this garbage? Why do the parents of good kids, who are trying their best to raise their kids to be good and honest, in particular viewing sexuality as God would have us view it...why do these parents have to contend with this? Where is the justice in that? Their kids are going to be exposed to these things, either through seeing it directly or hearing about it. How will they deal with it. I hope they see the boys and girls involved in it as frauds of human respectability. I hope the parents see that they can't let their kids run wild on MySpace and the various web sites they browse to their heart's content.

The staff meeting had more. We then watched a 30 minute video on how to administer the STAR test. The same video we watch every year at test time. These tests have become everything to school districts across the country.

As for me, I'm about completely fed up with public education.

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