Thursday, February 28, 2008

The garbage I deal with as a teacher

Here's the latest that I've just now noticed even though it's been happening for a while. When corrected for doing something wrong, many kids will respond with, "Okay?" as if they're asking a question. Some will say "Okay" with total indifference.

One of my classes is filled with bilge water. These "high achievers" are in this particular class because they have done will throughout the first seven years of school. And this class is their elective. It's a sort of privileged group of kids who have all been in the top tier or their class for most of their schooling up to now. The object of the class is to produce the yearbook.

Now the class started with 35 kids. 35 kids! And right away I could see the egos involved. Know-it-all kids -- not all of them mind you -- but enough to make the class a pain in the neck. And there are several kids who remain good despite all the bilge they have to deal with in that class.

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