Thursday, February 28, 2008

OK, That's it!

I'm walking out to stretch my legs between classes here and as I'm coming back to class, I see these two girls giggling at each other, holding each others clothes, getting closer, closer....

No, no, no. What is happening here? Lesbian 7th graders? What? Out there for everyone to see?

Sick, sick, sick.

Many taxpayers oppose homosexulaity as a violation of God's law. In fact sodomy is one of the four sins that cry to Heaven for justice. Many of these people have kids in the schools that they are paying to support through taxes. These people tell their children that homosexuality is wrong, is a sin, etc. But their kids come to this junior high school and see two lesbian 7th grade girls physically advancing upon each other.

I don't know how much more of this filth I can take.

The garbage I deal with as a teacher

Here's the latest that I've just now noticed even though it's been happening for a while. When corrected for doing something wrong, many kids will respond with, "Okay?" as if they're asking a question. Some will say "Okay" with total indifference.

One of my classes is filled with bilge water. These "high achievers" are in this particular class because they have done will throughout the first seven years of school. And this class is their elective. It's a sort of privileged group of kids who have all been in the top tier or their class for most of their schooling up to now. The object of the class is to produce the yearbook.

Now the class started with 35 kids. 35 kids! And right away I could see the egos involved. Know-it-all kids -- not all of them mind you -- but enough to make the class a pain in the neck. And there are several kids who remain good despite all the bilge they have to deal with in that class.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

News You Wouldn't Believe

Well, you thought the last post from Sunday the 24th was something to let your mouth hit the floor. Hmm. How about this: yesterday at a staff meeting the principal told us about some of the crazy things going on from our own students. "These aren't the frequent flyers," she said, alluding to the fact that these aren't the bad kids we would expect to be in trouble. No, these were kids she'd never known before the incident. Regular hit the books kids, no time for misbehavior.

Well it turns out that the girl who took the picture of herself while undressed and sent it to several boys, also had someone take a video of her and another girl taking a shower. THIS IS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL! But that's not all. She then sent the video out to boys and girls and had it posted on MySpace. When the principal told us this I turned to the lady next to me and said, "This is why we homeschool." She nodded.

In another precious moment from the staff meeting: a boy who recently started dating a girl at the school (I don't know exactly what that means today) took a picture of his nude lower half with his cell phone and sent it to the girl. She then sent it on to her friends. Again this is a junior high - 6th to 8th graders.

There are a lot of pretty good kids here. But again I ask, how long will it be before they are infected by this garbage? Why do the parents of good kids, who are trying their best to raise their kids to be good and honest, in particular viewing sexuality as God would have us view it...why do these parents have to contend with this? Where is the justice in that? Their kids are going to be exposed to these things, either through seeing it directly or hearing about it. How will they deal with it. I hope they see the boys and girls involved in it as frauds of human respectability. I hope the parents see that they can't let their kids run wild on MySpace and the various web sites they browse to their heart's content.

The staff meeting had more. We then watched a 30 minute video on how to administer the STAR test. The same video we watch every year at test time. These tests have become everything to school districts across the country.

As for me, I'm about completely fed up with public education.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Past week in school

This past week I have dealt with a few interesting situations.
  1. A 7th grade female student looked pretty bad with misty eyes and such, so I asked her what was wrong. She said her dad had hit her mom and her mom was coming to the school to talk with the counselor to sort it out.
  2. A 7th grade male student was telling me about a great new video game, something about the devil smiling. He told me that it was rated "M" for various reasons. I asked him what "M" meant and he said "Mature" players. Why? Due to bad language, violence like smashing heads, blood squirting, etc. He then said to me, "You must be asking yourself 'Why do your parents let you play that?'"
    • Yes, I did ask myself that. But more important to me was that this kid had not lost his conscience. He was still aware that what he was doing was somehow not good.
  3. The principal told me about a junior high girl from the school who, while at a slumber party, went to the bathroom, stripped out of her clothes, took a picture of her naked self with a cell phone camera, and then sent it to a host of boys from the school.
    • Any wonder why I homeschool my children? My kids are good, yes I'll say that. But given the wrong influences they will be bad. They have to first learn what is right, and how to deal with wrong. They will be in the world soon making their own decisions, and they will be ready.
This all happened this past week! At a junior high school. Not to mention some of the smart aleck kids I have in one of my classes. A true pain in the neck. Teaching ain't what it used to be.

Not that it's all bad. I have lots of kids who are decent, disciplined kids who really put forth the effort to do well. But how long will it be before these good kids are influenced for the worse by the bad kids?

Last night I read a Louis L'Amour short story. I like to read one every night. The thing that caught my attention was when the author was describing a man who was caught flat-footed in a lie. The author described him as looking "like a school kid who had been caught cheating." Ha, ha, ha. When I think of the kids I have caught cheating. They don't look ashamed, scared, abandoned. They look at me like they haven't done anything wrong, and why am I making such a deal out of it. They totally turn the tables and make the teacher out to be the victimizer! Oh, teaching today is truly a wonder.